How to Find Minimum Values in Columns Database: SQL PostgreSQL MS SQL Server Oracle MySQL SQLite Operators: MIN WHERE Problem: You want to find rows that store the smallest numeric value in a column. Example: Our database has a table named weather with data in the following columns: id, city, and temperature. idcitytemperature 1Houston23 2Atlanta20 3Boston15 4Cleveland15 5Dallas34 6Austin28 Here’s how to find cities with the lowest temperature. Solution: SELECT id, city, temperature FROM weather WHERE temperature = (SELECT MIN(temperature) FROM weather); Here’s the result: idcitytemperature 3Boston15 4Cleveland15 Discussion: To find the minimum value of a column, use the MIN() aggregate function; it takes the name of the column or expression to find the minimum value. In our example, the subquery returns the minimum value in the temperature column (subquery: SELECT MIN(temperature) FROM weather). The main query displays id, city, and temperature. To display only rows with minimal values in the column, use WHERE with a subquery (e.g., SELECT MIN(temperature) FROM weather). In the WHERE clause, place the column name with the relative value to be compared to the value returned by aggregate function in the subquery (WHERE temperature = (SELECT MIN(temperature) FROM weather)). Recommended courses: SQL Basics SQL Basics in SQL Server SQL Practice Set Recommended articles: An Introduction to Using SQL Aggregate Functions with JOINs A Beginner’s Guide to SQL Aggregate Functions See also: How to Count Distinct Values in SQL How to Find Maximum Values in Rows How to Find the Minimum Value of a Column in SQL How to Find the Average of a Numeric Column in SQL Subscribe to our newsletter Join our monthly newsletter to be notified about the latest posts. Email address How Do You Write a SELECT Statement in SQL? What Is a Foreign Key in SQL? Enumerate and Explain All the Basic Elements of an SQL Query