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Earth Day 2023

On Earth Day 2023, join hundreds of thousands of people around the world in fighting for the climate. You might be asking yourself ‘wait, why am I reading about this on the blog?’ Well, because it's important! Let's take care of our planet, it's our only home!

"Invest in our planet."

This is the official slogan of this year's Earth Day. We don't know about you, but this sentence motivates us a lot. And not only in terms of ecology, but in general personal development and progress towards achieving your goals. That is why it is worth learning today and developing both professionally and personally.

You might ask what has SQL got to do with ecology? It turns out, quite a lot. SQL is a great tool for working with databases, including in the fight for the climate. Here you will find, for example, databases with which you can trace changes in temperatures, CO2 emissions, or the degree of afforestation in specific countries. Datasets can be downloaded in various formats and incorporated into your projects; you can find trends and developments that will convince others to work together for the planet. Do you want even more data? Check out our article on Free Online Data Sets.

You can also join the Global Earth Challenge. Last year, volunteers and scientists around the world counted the bee population. See what results they obtained. Yes, you guessed right; it's all based on databases and analysis!

Earth Day has been celebrated every year since 1970. If you're interested in the history of an organization that has grown from a group of students to a global climate movement, check it out here.

Have you already joined the fight for a better tomorrow? If not, here's a list of 52 ways to invest in our planet. Comment below about what you do, so that the next generations have a chance for a better future!

From April 20 to 27 you can purchase our All Forever plan, which gives you lifetime access to all present and future courses, for as little as $189. Save the World and… your budget. Want to know more about our most popular offer? See why it is worth choosing it.

Because we believe that young people will change the world one day, we still have our promotion especially for them. If you are a student and want to gain new skills, take advantage of our SQL for Education Offer.

Join us and be part of the solution!