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Customer Behavior Analysis in SQL Server

Learn how to conduct an analysis of customer behavior for your business using T-SQL queries. In this online course, you'll find out how to measure the acquisition, conversion, sales, and churn using SQL Server.

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This online course benefits analysts, data scientists, IT students, business developers, anyone with an interest in SQL Server, and more. The prerequisite is understanding the basics of T-SQL, such as how to JOIN tables and WHERE, GROUP BY, ORDER BY and HAVING clauses (we introduce these elements in our SQL Basics in SQL Server course.)

We all know that customers are essential for every business. This simple fact is why companies usually put a lot of effort into understanding customer behavior. In this online course, you will learn how to perform customer behavior analysis using T-SQL.

Throughout the online course, we'll be working on an imaginary dataset of an online supermarket that sells groceries and everyday products. You'll learn how to analyze customer behavior and the entire customer lifecycle: from acquisition, conversion, sales up to customer churn.

Through 73 exercises, you'll teach yourself how to write universal queries and reports in SQL Server. Moreover, you'll find out how to apply your SQL skills and analysis of customer behavior to other business models, not just e-stores. Therefore, if you wish your knowledge of SQL is more practical than theoretical, this online course is for you!

The knowledge we present in our online course is applicable to a wide range of industries—from grocery stores to insurance companies. You'll be able to analyze customer behavior in a wide variety of scenarios. Click the "Start for free" button and see it yourself!

What's in It for Me?

  • 73 interactive exercises. Learn at your own pace, from any location and at any time. Work through hands-on exercises to help you retain what you have learned so far.
  • Lifetime access to the course. When you purchase the online course, you'll get instant personal access to all of its content forever.
  • Online certificate. After you successfully finish all of the exercises in the online course, you'll receive a downloadable PDF certificate to showcase your accomplishment.
  • 30-day money-back guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the quality of the online course, you can get a refund within 30 days of your purchase.
  • Exercise hints. You can take advantage of ready-made hints for every exercise, or ask questions and share insights with other members of our community through the Discuss tab.

What Do You Need to Take This Course?

Learn How To:

  • Examine customer acquisition.
  • Determine customer conversion.
  • Perform an analysis of customer behavior during the sales process.
  • Verify customer churn and retention.
  • Create SQL reports related to customer behavior.

Who Should Take This Course?

  • Analysts who know basic SQL and want to use it for reporting.
  • Business developers who wish to work with SQL.
  • Professionals working in sales and marketing.
  • Beginner data scientists.
  • Anyone who knows T-SQL in theory and wants to use it in practice.
  • Anyone who wants to perform an analysis of customer behavior.

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