22 Aug 2023 Nicole Darnley How to Prepare for an Advanced SQL Interview Tips and tricks to help you ace even the most advanced SQL interview questions. SQL has become the lingua franca of data – the standard method for interacting with databases, extracting insights, and conducting analytical tasks. As a data analyst, the ability to understand and manipulate SQL code is not just a 'nice to have'; it's an absolute necessity. For many data analyst roles, a basic understanding of SQL isn't enough. Read more 4 Jul 2023 Nicole Darnley How E-Commerce Businesses Can Benefit From SQL Learn how SQL for e-commerce can empower your online business. When we talk about business in the modern age, the phrase "knowledge is power" takes on a whole new dimension. In the world of e-commerce, the real power lies in the ability to leverage data; one of the key tools in the arsenal of data management and analysis is SQL. SQL, or Structured Query Language, is essential for e-commerce businesses looking to extract valuable insights from their vast reserves of data. Read more 1 Jun 2023 Nicole Darnley Why Do You Need SQL to Work With Google BigQuery? Data is just as important to your business as investing or accounting; that’s why many people use Google’s BigQuery data warehouse. In this article, we'll discuss why you should learn SQL if you want to start using BigQuery. Unleash the power of your data! In the ever-growing landscape of data-driven decisions, organizations are continuously on the lookout for tools that can help them handle and analyze their data efficiently. Enter Google BigQuery: a powerful, Cloud-based data warehouse designed to store and analyze massive datasets in record time. Read more 23 May 2023 Nicole Darnley How to Write a Recursive CTE in SQL Server A guide to understanding and using recursive CTEs in SQL Server SQL Server offers a lot of powerful tools for working with data, including Common Table Expressions (CTEs). A CTE is a temporary named result set that you can reference within a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement. CTEs can break down long queries into smaller, more manageable pieces of logic and make them more readable. SQL Server offers recursive Common Table Expressions. Read more 2 May 2023 Nicole Darnley Top 7 Advanced SQL Queries for Data Analysis Explore essential advanced SQL queries for data analysis. Structured Query Language, or SQL, is an indispensable tool for data analysts. Most people pick up the language relatively quickly and can begin in-depth data analysis after just a few lessons. Because of this, many data analysts tend to stay in the beginner/intermediate level of using SQL. This level of understanding allows you to “get the job done”, but it might not be the most efficient way to write a query. Read more 11 Apr 2023 Nicole Darnley The Best SQL Blogs to Follow In this article, you’ll find a list of the best SQL blogs and why they’re worth checking out. SQL (short for Structured Query Language) has been around since the 1970s. It’s still a wildly popular coding language. It is based on the idea that data can be structured and built through relations. If you’re familiar with SQL, you’ve likely heard the term “relational database.” This means that the tables of the database have pre-defined relationships between them: One field in one table will match another field in another table. Read more 30 Mar 2023 Nicole Darnley How to Use CASE WHEN in GROUP BY Learn how you can combine SQL CASE WHEN and GROUP BY to create custom categories in your SQL queries. Raw data, by its very nature, is not always human readable. Many times, the data you’re querying is in its most unformatted form. Examples of this include codes for different business departments or product SKUs that represent specific products. To the naked eye, these codes mean nothing, so pulling them into a report is not helpful for the person reading them. Read more 14 Feb 2023 Nicole Darnley Data Cleaning in SQL Data cleaning is an important part of any data analysis. Here we’ll discuss techniques you can use to do data cleaning in SQL. I find it nearly impossible to focus on work when my desk is a mess. If it’s cluttered with paper, coffee mugs, or random toys my daughter has somehow snuck into my office, there is no chance I will be able to get anything done until my desk is back in order. Read more 9 Feb 2023 Nicole Darnley Learn SQL for Data Analysis With LearnSQL.com Find out the SQL learning path geared specifically towards the needs of the data analyst. When I was in high school, I planned to go to college and major in interior design. I had no background in technology, and I thought people who stared at computer screens all day were nerds. Learn SQL for data analysis?? That thought never occurred to me. Well, like many 17-year-olds, I changed my mind and ended up at a business college. Read more 5 Jan 2023 Nicole Darnley UNION and UNION ALL in SQL: What They Do and How They’re Different In this article, we’ll explore the SQL clauses UNION and UNION ALL. Learn what they do and when to use each one. I had been an analyst for probably four years before I knew about the SQL clause UNION ALL. I used UNION on a regular basis, but had never heard of its counterpart. Then one day when I heard a coworker talking about it. I thought to myself, “What is he talking about? Read more «« « 1 2 » »»