27 Apr 2021 Martyna Sławińska What Is the Benefit of Foreign Keys in SQL? What is a foreign key and why is it so important in relational databases? Learn all the details about foreign keys in this article. One of relational databases’ key features is the ability to link data stored in different tables. These links, called references, essentially act as connections between tables. They are created using the FOREIGN KEY constraint on table columns. In this article, we’ll learn what the FOREIGN KEY constraint does in SQL. Read more 17 Aug 2017 Francisco Claria Referential Constraints and Foreign Keys in MySQL Foreign keys and referential constraints allow you to set relationships between tables and modify some of the database engine’s actions. This beginner’s guide explains referential integrity and foreign key use in MySQL. One of the most important aspects of database usage is being able to trust the information you store. Database engines provide several features that help you maintain the quality of your data, like defining required columns as NOT NULL and setting an exact data type for each column. Read more