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Haunted Halloween Promotion - Join the Scavenger Hunt!

Trick or treat! Halloween, the festival of monsters is approaching! The LearnSQL platform is overrun by ghosts. They have haunted our courses. Are you scared, do you feel chills? We are most concerned about the prices. It’s highly probable the wraights will bite them off. But to quote the classics - “Who ya gonna call? Ghostbusters!” So put on the costume, take the astral trap and find them all to win our scavenger hunt.

According to ectoplasm indicators, three ghosts are hiding somewhere on the platform. The first one was last seen somewhere on the home page. We know he likes to hide and pretend to be a real person. You can expect to find the second one in the description of one of our main SQL Tracks. Try SQL from A to Z. The scary ringing of chains was also heard at night on the pricing page. To chase the ghosts away, you will have to find them and answer their questions correctly. Each of the ghosts will ask you one thing. The words you collect from the answer you give them will form a short sentence - it will be a promo code you can use to purchase our SQL courses.

Remember that word order is important!

What will you get for dealing with this extraterrestrial problem? A paranormal discount on our Forever plan. Pay once, and get access to all 55 present, and all future SQL courses. Currently, the Forever plan costs $299. Use the promo code and pay $100 less - $199. It is that simple!

Save $100 and get lifetime access to the most comprehensive set of interactive SQL courses out there. Sounds good?

You’ll have to hurry. Our scavenger hunt starts on October 26th and will last until eod PT October 29th. Don't let ghosts take over our website.

How to join the scavenger hunt:

  • Find 3 ghosts on our platform and answer their questions
  • Use the answers to create a promo code
  • Log in and buy Forever plan with a code saving $100

What are you waiting for - join the fun and claim your prize today!
