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Online Education in the Times of COVID-19 grants free access to their Interactive courses till 04/20/2020.

People around the world are faced with a new challenge. A challenge which requires swift action and adaptability. Students and teachers, employers and employees, families and friends. Many have shown vigilance and decisiveness, while at the same time trying their best to maintain their everyday-life continuity. However, there are those who, due to the current circumstances, need to postpone plans and invest their resources in different areas.

With many not being able to maintain their educational journey, we at have decided to give free access to our platform to the general public. Moreover, in the coming days, we will publish a series of materials to aid people with their struggle with online and at-home learning. We trust that this action will not only help people to continue with their educational growth, but also let others gain useful skills for their future careers.

Starting from 03/20/2020, we are granting free access to all our courses at until 04/20/2020. Just create a free account to unlock all of the courses.

In order to use our platform and get as much out of it as possible, we suggest starting by gaining some knowledge from our blog:

*This is a running list which we shall expand. Please bookmark and return regularly to be up-to-date.