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LearnSQL Track of the Season: Creating Database Structure

Summer is a great time to learn something new! Have you heard about data engineering? It’s one of today’s hottest skills. In this article, I'll show you why we selected our Creating Database Structures track as our SQL Track of the Season – and why it’s your ticket to a new career! offers online SQL training tracks – logically structured and well-thought-out learning paths that will help you work towards becoming an SQL expert.

We create them to save you time. Why look for more courses and wonder in what order to take them? You can use our SQL tracks and be sure you’re getting quality information in the right order.

Each season, we choose one of our SQL tracks to present to our users. During Spring 2022, it was SQL from A to Z in MySQL. For Summer 2022, we chose Creating Database Structures. Why? Read on to find out.

What Is Data Engineering?

Have you noticed that data engineering has become a big deal in the labor market? It’s a fast-growing field with lots of opportunities for skilled professionals. But what is data engineering all about?

Thousands of megabytes of new data are created every second; data, in terms of business intelligence and decision-making, is the new gold. If you want to navigate the modern business world, you must know how to harness this data. If you haven't been interested in databases or data processing, it's time to change that.

To take full advantage of this data without being overwhelmed by it, you need to organize it into structures that can be analyzed and processed. And that's what data engineers do: create database structures and process large amounts of data quickly and efficiently.

To find out more, read What Is Data Engineering? by Adrian Więch. It will explain how data engineering differs from data science and machine learning. Adrian has also recorded a very good tutorial on this topic, which you can find on our We Learn SQL channel on YouTube. Remember to like and subscribe.

What’s in the Creating Database Structure Track?

Creating Database Structure is the main track in our SQL Data Engineering path (and it’s one of my personal favorites). In this track, you’ll find everything you need to start working with data.

Creating Database Structure

There are 5 online SQL courses that are in the Creating Database Structure track. They are:

It’s best if you have some basic SQL knowledge; we assume that you know how to use SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE. If not, start with our How to INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE Data in SQL course and then come back to this one.

If you have never written a single SQL query, start with the SQL Basics course. This is the perfect first step into the world of databases.

If you're familiar with our interactive SQL courses, you already know they're well designed and user friendly. If you’ve never taken one before, try them out. Each course starts with a few free exercises. This free trial is a great opportunity to take a look at our platform. Create a free account and start learning.

When creating our SQL courses, we believe that the most important thing is to practice and write code. That is why we focus on interactivity. You don't need to install or set anything up. All you need to learn is your favorite browser and a willingness to learn; our platform will do everything else.

Who Should Take This Track?

We created this learning path for all novice and intermediate SQL programmers who want to gain knowledge and skills to work in data engineering. However, this does not mean that more advanced users such as database administrators (DBAs) cannot take advantage of it.

The same applies to students preparing for database exams. If you are a student or teacher, check out our special offer for education.

In summary, this track is for everyone who wants to learn to work with data and understand database tables and their structures. It is also good practice before an SQL job interview!

Creating Database Structure

How Long Does It Take to Complete This Track?

The track consists of 5 SQL courses and includes 336 exercises. It takes approximately 40 hours to complete. For some helpful tips on effective learning, see these articles:

Ready to Get Started with Data Engineering?

Now you know what our Creating Database Structures track is and how it can help you get started in data engineering. If you need some monetary motivation to learn more about a career in data, check out this article about earnings in the industry. Spoiler alert: it pays to become a data engineer!

You may also want to see what data engineers do and why each company should have someone like this on the team.

Enjoy learning with our SQL Track of the Season!