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Join the Affiliate Program!

Are you a creator, blogger, or YouTuber? Do you have an audience, do you appreciate our interactive SQL courses, and would you like to help promote them? By the way, you can earn some money! Here is our SQL Affiliate Program.

We create our SQL courses with a passion and a love for databases. Looking at the reactions and the reviews of our users, we do quite well.

If this is your first visit to, or if you are new to SQL, start with SQL Basics. This is a great interactive SQL course and the best way to take the first step toward becoming a database expert.

We have been receiving questions for a while about how people may help promote the SQL courses we offer. People want to recommend a good thing to their relatives and friends.

These questions have also come from Internet content creators. Many bloggers, YouTubers, and social media influencers have written to us asking if we have an affiliate program they may join. Well, we do now, and I am going to tell you all about it.

sql affiliate program

What Is the SQL Affiliate Program?

Affiliate programs first appeared in the early nineties, and they have grown with the Internet. Companies have noticed that people are eager to share information about products and services, and people get a share of the revenue from the sales in return. It’s so simple.

At, our focus is on student development and satisfaction. So, before we launched our SQL Affiliate Program, we had to make sure that our online SQL courses were of the highest quality and that the platform gave users the best possible learning experience.

Our affiliates can be confident that, by sharing information about our platform with their audience, they recommend the best product on the market. Most of the current program members have learned SQL from our courses or have had the chance to know them well in practice.

Affiliate Program Rules

In creating our program, we wanted it to be as simple as possible, with its conditions transparent and simple.

Joining the program is free and very easy. Just fill out a short application form. Verification usually takes up to 24 hours. During this time, we look at your content.

When you become our affiliate, you receive access to your personal dashboard. There, you can manage your affiliate account, get an affiliate link, and monitor its performance. This is where you have full control over your earnings and payouts.

Remember to provide the correct address of your PayPal account to which we will transfer your money.

From that moment on, how many places you post the affiliate link and how you promote it is all up to you. The more people click on it and buy one of our SQL courses, the more you earn. The commission is fixed at 30% of each confirmed sale.

sql affiliate program

Let me give you an example. Suppose a user who came to from your link has opted for our All Forever Plan. Currently, its price is $179 – it is on sale! You as an affiliate get $53.70 for this (a 30% commission). It works the same way whether he or she buys a single SQL course or any of our SQL tracks.

Now, think about how large the audience is for your YouTube channel or how many readers your blog or social media channel has. It really pays to become a member of the SQL Affiliate Program.

Moreover, that person does not even have to make a purchase right away. A 45-day attribution window applies – you get credit for all the sales that happen within 45 days from the user’s first visit. Sweet!

Earn When You Help Promote the SQL Courses We Offer!

Now you know why you should become our partner and start promoting our SQL courses. It just pays off!

If you have any questions about our affiliate program, don't hesitate to write an email to Perhaps you have an idea for a different kind of collaboration? We are happy to talk.

So, what are you waiting for? Click here, fill in the form, and start earning money! Together, we can do great things.