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Are You a Student? Choose

If the answer to this question is yes, then let’s talk about how learning SQL as part of your educational journey benefits you down the road. We’ll focus on the importance of SQL for students – whether you are preparing for an exam, are thinking about a career in IT, or need new skills for a research project.

Later, we will explain why is the way to go, whatever your learning goals are. Find out why interactive courses are an effective way to learn SQL, how the SQL Practice track can help you solidify the knowledge you gain, and how you can get certificates for completed courses to highlight your newly acquired skills.

Of course, we will also let you in on the details of our special offer for students. We’ll let you know how you can quickly and easily verify your student email to take advantage of the special student promo available. Last but not least, we’ll talk about our offer to the educators among you.

Why Learn SQL as a Student?

To answer this question, let’s go back to basics for a moment and talk about what SQL is.

We live in a data-driven world. Data is all around us. Each time we sign into social media, shop online, or use a search engine, we rack up huge volumes of it.

You may ask, “why is that important?” Well, data is essential to making strategic decisions in any organization. Better informed decision-making translates into a more efficient operation and greater profitability.

As a student, you’ll soon start looking for a job. Check out why you should work in a data-driven company.

Where does SQL fit in this picture? It allows you to extract meaning from data. Once you learn SQL, you can drill deeper into databases and gain valuable insights from their contents. Learning SQL equips you with the tools to create tables, process information, and draw conclusions and insights from the results.

SQL for students

So, is SQL difficult to learn? This article provides you with the answer to that question, and you may be pleasantly surprised. Spoiler alert: the answer is no, but you need to be well prepared and know what to do.

Now we’ve got that part out of the way, let’s take a look at a few scenarios where you may find yourself needing to know how to work with SQL as a student.

Students Aspiring to Follow a Career Path in IT

As we’ve previously discovered, data (and how to make sense of it) is an essential component of the innermost workings of any successful business. This is true to an even greater degree if you want to work in IT.

With data literacy skills in high demand across the board these days, the ability to use SQL to slice and dice data is an absolute necessity in the IT industry. At the very least, being acquainted with its basics gives you an edge when it comes to bagging that IT role.

In short, SQL for students has never been more important, which leads us nicely into our next scenario.

Job Interviews

If there is one clear trend we at LearnSQL are noticing, it is that more and more employers are realizing the importance of having a data-literate workforce. Gone are the days of cumbersome spreadsheets. There is a growing desire among employers to see their staff equipped with the skills to query data on their own.

A data-literate workforce is far more efficient than having a few experts in the organization on whom everybody else relies for every data need. The former is a process known as data democratization, and it is happening all over the world. Do you want to know more about it? Check out this article.

Given this, it is not at all uncommon for employers to assess their candidates’ proficiency in SQL as part of the job interview process. And, as we all know, preparation is a key pillar of interview success.

Thankfully, we’ve got you covered at LearnSQL! Take a look at the SQL Practice track: It helps you solidify the knowledge you’ve gained. It gives you the confidence to go into that interview and wow them with your abilities.

P.S. If you are an employer looking to upskill your team, check out our case study to discover how can help you drive up data literacy in your organization. An interactive SQL course can also improve the onboarding process for your new employees.

Research Projects

All of us love something that makes our lives easier, right? Even on a student budget, there are certain gadgets everyone considers essential, like the latest smartphone or a durable toaster for when you can only afford to eat toasts.

Think of SQL for students as a type of gadget, essential for taking the stress out of everyday activities and making your life a little bit easier. See how SQL can help you choose a movie for a movie night with friends. Surely an investment worth making, right?

The Student Offer at

We’ve seen how learning SQL can benefit you in a whole host of ways. Now, we’ll let you in on how is helping students learn SQL.

We were students once, too. We know and understand this special time in your life and its trials and tribulations. Every little bit helps when it comes to your budget.

SQL for students has rolled out an educational program to make the process of learning SQL more accessible for students and educators alike. The goal is to make SQL training for education flexible and affordable for those with these unique constraints on their time and resources.

This is all well and good, but how does it work in practice? Let’s look at the different ways you can take advantage of this offer, depending on whether you are a student or an educator.

The Student Promo

If you’re a student just starting out on your educational journey with SQL, you can quickly and easily take advantage of the special student promo at

The process is simple: just visit the student page, and enter your student email address for automatic verification. Once verified, you can create a student account and access special pricing for the All Forever plan. It is that straightforward. Best of all, you can keep your student account access even after you graduate.

Wondering what the All Forever plan is? Well, it provides full access to all 58 interactive SQL courses on our platform. They come in SQL standard and three different dialects: MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. You also get access to all future SQL courses at no extra charge!

For Educators

Where would students be without their teachers? Supporting students means supporting their educators by providing tools to enable effective learning without breaking the bank in the process.

As part of the rollout of the educational program, has also introduced learning solutions for teachers and groups.

SQL for students

Perhaps you're an educator looking for a platform that not only helps you teach SQL but has the functionalities to set assignments and track the progress of your class.

The Team Portal may be just the ticket. You can invite students, arrange them into one or more groups, and view their progress as they work through the assignments you set for them.

Want to create customized courses to teach your students specific metrics or use your own tables? No problem! You can create your own courses in the Private Courses module, included in the Team Portal. Working on custom courses is very simple; if you have any problems, our experts can help you. It couldn't be easier and more convenient.

Check out the page for teachers to find out more, or get in touch with us using the dedicated contact form on the page.

Learn SQL With

As you can see, has a lot to offer for both students and teachers.

If you are still not convinced, I have good news for you. Each interactive SQL course on our platform has a "free trial" portion. This way, you can find out if our courses are right for you.

What should you do now?

  1. Create a free account.
  2. Choose one of the courses from our offer. We recommend SQL Basics for beginners. Access to the first few exercises is free.
  3. If you are a student, go to the “For Students” page and follow the instructions.
  4. Start being awesome!

We have supported the development of the next generations for years. We are fans of working with data. We want to share our passion with others, including those who will enter the labor market and change the world in the future.

See you in class!