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Free Course of The Month – SQL Practice Set in MS SQL Server

You have to train a lot to learn a new skill. It is the same with MS SQL Server. Do you want to write good SQL queries? Or maybe you are preparing for a job interview? You've come to the right place! Throughout October you will have access to our amazing hands-on MS SQL Server course for FREE!

You probably just thought: “There must be a catch. Why would someone give away SQL courses for free?” has been providing free learning for a long time. We choose one of our courses every month and give our users full, free access to it. We want to support them and give them the opportunity to improve their skills. This month, our free course is Practice Set in MS SQL Server.


How to Practice MS SQL Server

You can read lots of books and do lots of courses, but without real SQL practice, you won't get anywhere.

What does it mean to practice MS SQL Server? Simply put, it’s to write SQL queries to solve problems. Novice users often struggle to find good places to practice their skills. Usually, they find either questions that are too easy or projects that require very specialized and advanced knowledge. But don't worry – we're here to help you find realistic SQL practice exercises!

Practical SQL exercises are essential if you want to master working with relational databases. You have to repeat writing queries several times to remember everything and be able to use the acquired knowledge in practice. And this free course will give you this kind of hands-on experience.

How can you get this free MS SQL Server course in October 2021?

  • Create a free account or log in if you already have one.
  • Start the course. You will have free access to its content until the end of the month.

To make your learning even easier (and protect you from possible difficulties), we recommend reading Kamila’s article on 5 Reasons You Might Fail to Learn SQL.

Why Do You Need to Practice MS SQL Server?

Imagine you want to learn the piano. Will you start by reading about great composers and browsing sheet music? Or maybe you’ll start by practicing scales and simple songs? There will be time for music theory, but the most important thing for a beginner musician is to use their fingers and actually play the piano. This is the only way to make progress.

It's similar to SQL. You can read great SQL books and watch YouTube tutorials, but there's no substitute for hands-on exercises.


Practice makes perfect, both when playing Chopin and when writing SQL queries containing CTEs or the GROUP BY clause.

Why Choose the Practice Set in MS SQL Server Course?

If you choose, you no longer need to look for an interactive MS SQL Server learning platform. We’re trusted by thousands of users who, thanks to our courses, have changed their daily work and sometimes even their careers! We constantly improve our platform and expand our offer to give you an even better learning experience.

In any course, you write real SQL queries in our online console and immediately see their results. You don't need to install or set up anything on your own computer. All your learning is done through a web browser – learning SQL has never been easier!

Why choose the SQL Practice Set in MS SQL Server course? It contains 88 great interactive exercises. You will practice SQL subjects from the simplest to the increasingly complex.

What MS SQL Server Topics Will You Be Practicing?

SQL Practice Set in MS SQL Server has five parts. In each of them, you’ll find an explanation of the topics discussed, so don't be afraid that you won't be able to solve some exercises. This course is an overview of all the most important topics; it’s often recommended for people preparing for job interviews or computer science exams.

The topics covered in the course are:

  • Selecting from one table – Review the fundamentals of SQL (SELECT and basic syntax) and practice using WHERE to filter data.
  • Aggregation and grouping – Test your knowledge of the GROUP BY and ORDER BY
  • JOINs – Practice using JOIN, LEFT JOIN, and non-equi JOIN. Check your skills in working with multiple tables.
  • Subqueries – Verify your knowledge of simple and correlated subqueries.
  • SQL Challenge – Write SQL queries that combine SELECT, WHERE, JOIN, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY, and subqueries.

This is a great course to review your SQL knowledge or to identify problem areas that you need to work on.

What if you’re hungry for more after you complete the course? Well, this course is part of our SQL Practice in MS SQL Server track. This track also includes JOINs in MS SQL Server, which will take your JOIN skills to the next level. If you want more practice, that’s a good place to start!

Who Should Take This Course?

The short answer is “Anyone who wants to know MS SQL Server well”.

The long answer is: Programmers who want to improve their database skills, computer or data science students, job hunters, and anyone who works with MS SQL Server and wants to write better SQL queries. By doing this course, you will gain real knowledge of MS SQL Server.

If you’re looking for a database or SQL job, you might want to read our articles on Complete SQL Practice for Interviews and What SQL Practice Do You Need to Prepare for a Technical Job Interview?.


Recruiters often make their first selection of candidates based on the candidates’ LinkedIn profiles. After completing each course at, you will receive a certificate that you can include on LinkedIn (and maybe impress some recruiters!).

Follow the MS SQL Server Path!

If you are serious about an IT career or about using MS SQL Server professionally, we encourage you to reach for our flagship SQL from A to Z in MS SQL Server track. Inside you will find all the necessary skills to work with SQL Server and the data in relational databases.

Also, consider purchasing our Forever Plan, which will give you access to all of our current and future courses.

Ready for a free SQL course in a popular dialect? See you in class!