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How to Practice SQL with

Practicing new skills online needs motivation and self-discipline, but it’s worth it.

We’re facing a difficult, uncertain time. On one hand, the COVID pandemic caused a lot of fear. What will happen in the future? Will I keep my job? Will we stay safe and healthy? On the other hand, COVID is giving us a lot of time. Working remotely, not having anything to do but stay home and… And what? How can we take advantage of this situation?

Well, we could watch the whole Netflix and HBO GO lineup at once. Or we could use this time to develop new skills. The temptation to waste extra hours is strong. But you can share the time between tasks you need to do and things you want to do. Have you always wanted to try yoga? Do you need to change your job or improve your CV? Why not do something constructive and then reward yourself afterwards?

Why not practice SQL a bit? For some, this will be something useful, and for others it will be the reward. But where do you start? More importantly, how can you stick to it and accomplish your goal?

Plan, They Say

The word “plan” is my nightmare. All that “good” advice on managing your time, being  methodical – I know it by heart. But knowing it is one thing; using it successfully is a completely different story. Can you relate?

Learning online is full of all kinds of traps. Even with spare time and good tools, we can still fail to really learn from online sources. That is why I recommend thinking through a planned learning path. Analyze what you’re struggling with and how to deal with it. For me, this list might look like:

  • Interruptions like messages, compulsively checking notifications, e-mails, calls, etc. can be avoided by muting my phone, turning off mobile and email notifications, and setting a focus timer.
  • Distractions like social media, television, streaming, flatmates, cat videos on YouTube, housework, etc. can be avoided by acknowledging that they can wait – they’ll be there after you finish your learning session.
  • Lack of motivation is more of a personal topic. But you can solve it by remembering that learning or practicing new things creates energy and boosts effectiveness. Gaining new skills, especially online, is a bit like playing a game. It really can be fun.

If you have difficulties with focusing on learning, stick to one learning platform. Even better, choose one set of courses and finish that before you begin anything else. Do one thing solidly and finish what you started. Limiting yourself to one source can help you plan your development path. Being distracted by too many courses or sources makes it easier to fail.

Always establish realistic goals. It is good to divide what you want to do into learning goals and personal goals. For example, you can practice SQL and defeat procrastination at the same time.

Perceive learning as a chance to grow in various directions. You never know where a new set of skills will lead you. SQL is a very valuable competency that can be used in many areas. If you already know that your future job will be related to data, you can be sure that you will profit from learning SQL.



SQL Practice Is a Must

SQL is a language, and like any language it needs practicing. Even if you already have some familiarity with SQL, knowledge itself is not enough. Without writing queries and creating projects, your skills won’t progress. So, instead of starting something new, maybe you should build on what you already have – by practicing SQL queries.

A Path to SQL Improvement

The SQL Practice Track was created for SQL beginners who know the basics and want to sharpen their skills. It is a perfect place to be able to track your learning path. The SQL Practice track has two main courses:

SQL JOINs has 93 interactive exercises. Take your time and plan your lessons step by step. This course will strengthen your SQL knowledge by making you practice different ways of getting data from multiple tables.

Next, you can move to the SQL Practice Set, where you will find another 88 interactive exercises. This set is planned so you can develop your skills. It starts with simple SELECT FROM statements and gradually moves to more advanced challenges with multiple subqueries.

Altogether, this is about 20 hours of learning. Decide how much time you can spend on practice each week, then divide the track into smaller, easy-to-digest parts.

This practice track is a perfect tool for anyone who wants to improve their SQL. You might be preparing for a job interview or for a new position in your company. Or maybe you have a test or exam coming soon. This is a good way to review your knowledge.

SQL Practice

It’s also good to know that you can practice PostgreSQL at (To learn more about PostgreSQL and other open-source SQL technologies, see SQL in the Open-Source World.) This track is a 10-hour set of two interactive courses:

Practicing SQL on is based on interactive experiences. There is no need to install anything; all you need is a browser, an Internet connection, and some SQL basics. The exercises are logical and practical; they demonstrate our learning-by-doing philosophy. You get hands-on experience with a real code editor, real data sets, and realistic problem-solving.

Anytime you are stuck, you can use one of the included hints or go to the Discuss tab to ask other users for help.

What You Get from Practicing SQL Benefit

Practicing SQL

Spending precious time learning means putting in the effort and overcoming procrastination. It is difficult to commit to it without the sweet thought of celebration time. That is why one of the most important parts of learning is the reward.

Finishing a course in your planned time frame feels great. But simply completing each lesson is something to celebrate. It’s another step to become an SQL master. (And the certificate you can post on LinkedIn is pretty sweet, too – especially if you’re looking for a job or a raise.)

After finishing your learning path, you will know your SQL level and what topics you need to repeat. And you’ll have the satisfaction of completing a professional and personal goal.