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SQL Courses in New York City

If someone asks me where to learn SQL, I answer simply: online! A good interactive SQL course is much better than any classroom activity or bootcamp. First, you do everything at your own pace. You can always ask the tutor about anything, be a part of an online community, and read interesting things elsewhere on the web (e.g. on our blog). However, there are those who prefer full-time courses. They are traditionalists. If you are reading this article, you could be one of them. I will help you decide on a specific course. Here, you will find some really good and user-recommended SQL classroom courses that are given in New York City.

In choosing the courses below, I have assumed that you are a complete beginner in SQL or even without any experience in IT at all. You just heard somewhere that it is good to learn SQL (that's true!), you live in the New York City area, and you are looking in your local area for a course that meets your expectations.

1. Career Center NYC

Career Center NYC

Career Centers in New York have been operating since 1988. Being around for such a long time probably says something about their quality of instruction. Here, you can learn SQL; you can also learn about other things, using Adobe Illustrator, Excel, to web development. Quite a nice place for people looking for specific knowledge.

They offer instructions in two formats: traditional classroom courses and bootcamps. To be honest, I have never liked bootcamps. I have participated in a couple, and I find that I learn little from them. It compresses the course in one or two days, so everything happens very quickly. If there is something you don't understand, it's hard, because there is no time to explain; follow the instructor or you drop out. I recommend choosing the more traditional courses. They will take longer, but you will acquire the knowledge you paid for.

The course I recommend is called SQL Level I. It includes 8 hours of lessons and costs $325. Yes, unfortunately, you have to accept that classroom SQL courses will be expensive.

What will you get in return? A SQL course, specifically a course on Microsoft SQL Server. It starts with an introduction to relational database management systems. Later, you will learn how to install and start working with database solutions from Microsoft.

You will learn the basic functions of SQL, how to work with more than one table, how to create a very simple SQL report, and how to export results to a CSV file. This course is very basic, but it is great for those who do not work with SQL. To be able to work efficiently with SQL, you will have to follow up with more courses such as SQL Level II (another $325).

Are you still sure you don't prefer interactive online courses? At you will find something perfect for you much, much cheaper!

2. General Assembly

General Assembly

General Assembly is a Manhattan-based school of new technologies. They usually do in-person training only; currently, most of their classes are online, but with live contact with the instructor and other students.

Here you can learn SQL, the basics of data analysis, and many other topics on data science or Tableau. They also have courses in marketing and in other business-related topics.

An interesting idea is to start with the free Intro to SQL class. That way, you can find out if this is the right place for you. What will you learn there? According to the school, you will understand the basics of working with databases, the basics of SQL syntax, and even some more advanced topics such as JOINs, GROUP BY, and filtering. Pretty good for something free!

The next step is the $250 SQL bootcamp. As I said, I don't like bootcamps. This one, however, seems to be well-planned and relatively inexpensive for these types of events. Still, I would prefer to invest that money in learning SQL online.

3. Noble Desktop

Noble Desktop

Yes, this is another SQL bootcamp. For some reason, many people opt to learn this way. Even in a pandemic, the school offers in-classroom courses, following all the principles of social distancing. There is a live stream option, but since it is one of the few places where you can shake hands (or rather, elbow bump) with the instructor, it merits checking out.

The syllabus of this course makes a lot of sense. You will start with what SQL is, covering tables, databases, and how and where they are applied. It will be in SQL and PostgreSQL which is close to my heart.

You will learn how to create tables, add or update data, write simple SQL queries, aggregate and filter data, and use SQL JOINs and Views. If you make it to the end of the course, you will also know the basics of SQL Subqueries and the handling of JSON and CSV files.

That sounds pretty good. How much does it cost? You will pay $975 for the 18-hour SQL course. The school is located on Madison Avenue and has been offering programming and design courses since 1990.

4. Baruch College CAPS

Baruch College CAPS

Another nice option recommended by students. This is a school with over 30 years of history in teaching. It offers courses, certificates, and programs in diverse subjects, from marketing to accounting and finance. You have a good chance to learn SQL here.

Two courses are available: Databases and SQL Queries with Oracle ($655) and Database Management with Microsoft SQL Server ($605). In both cases, you'll get a traditional dose of database basic and an introduction to SQL, and you will learn to write simple SQL queries.

According to the school, the Oracle course covers topics related to database diagramming, designing and modeling entity relationships (ERs), query writing, data warehousing, and reporting. If you can learn all of this, great. However, not all IT rookies will be able to keep up with advanced topics. It's worth a shot though. Maybe this SQL course is just what you need, and you will find a job that makes use of your Oracle database skills? It all depends on your motivation and consistency in learning.

Please note that due to COVID-19, most classes are currently done online.

5. Learn SQL Online

Learn SQL Online

Although these are interesting courses, I am sure that you will learn much more by doing interactive online SQL courses. Trust me on this!

First of all, they are much cheaper while offering a similar or even wider scope of topics in SQL. You don’t believe me? Check out the prices of the courses on yourself.

Second, no one will disturb you or rush you. You decide on when and how much you want to learn. You don't have to wait for the slackers to catch up or worry about the class nerds hogging all the attention of the instructor. Learning in an online course is like having the best expert exclusively assigned to you. You do not have to go anywhere or get stuck in traffic. You study at home, you might not even be dressed, and you can cook and do laundry at the same time. As long as it does not distract you, everything is allowed.

Most people start their SQL adventure with our flagship SQL Basics course. Why? Read this article to find out more. Still not sure if SQL is right for you? Check out “How Will Learning SQL Improve My Daily Work?” Learn how to work more efficiently and easily. Get bonuses from your boss more often. Learning SQL really pays off.

So, what are you waiting for? Log in to and start learning. Perhaps this will be your first step to success!