BasicLearn how to use common T-SQL functions to process various types of data with ease. Soon, you’ll be able to modify textual data, perform calculations, round numbers up or down, change date and time formats, and even adjust time zone info!
T-SQL, which is used in Microsoft SQL Server, has many built-in functions. Understanding T-SQL functions is essential to anyone who wants to work with SQL Server. Data analysts use these functions to prepare accurate reports. SQL developers and software developers use them to write concise and readable queries. In both cases, T-SQL functions make it easier to get the right results!
The course offers 150 interactive exercises. You’ll read clear explanations on what each SQL Server function does, and then you’ll write your own T-SQL queries to solve realistic problems. The practice exercises are fun and engaging, and they’ll give you confidence in using T-SQL.
Try our T-SQL course and become proficient in SQL Server functions!
Plus, you'll get to practice your skills on 149 interactive exercises.
*The material in Common Functions in MS SQL Server is intended for intermediate users. To complete this course, you’ll need to know:
Course progress
Exercises completed
In this course, we assume you know the basics of T-SQL: selecting information from a single table, joining queries, and grouping results. Take the test to see if you know SQL Server well enough to continue with the course.
Learn the basic SQL Server text functions to transform text values and make your reports look pretty.
Master numeric functions in SQL Server. Learn about the caveats of mathematical operators in T-SQL, various rounding functions, and computing proportions.
Study date and time functions and learn how to select events from a period of time.
Learn about SQL Server functions working with NULLs and other useful functions.
Check your knowledge of SQL Server functions in this quiz.