AdvancedDo you want to work more efficiently using SQL and be able to create more complex and sophisticated queries? Learn about GROUP BY clauses, such as ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS.
This online course is intended for intermediate users and benefits beginner data analysts, IT students, business developers, and more. The prerequisite is understanding the basics of SQL presented in our SQL Basics course, followed by some practice.
Do you already know the basics of SQL? It’s time to learn some of its advanced features! In this online course, you’ll learn how to use ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS operations.
ROLLUP is an extension of the GROUP BY clause that allows you to attach additional lines which represent subtotals. They are often called super-aggregated rows. They can be presented together with the total sum line. Thanks to the useful ROLLUP extension, you can generate multiple grouping sets using just one SQL query.
Similar to ROLLUP, the CUBE extension allows you to generate subtotals. In addition, CUBE generates subtotals for all combinations of grouping columns specified in the GROUP BY clause.
GROUPING SETS is another step further because it allows for computing multiple GROUP BY clauses in a single SQL statement. GROUP BY GROUPING SETS is equivalent to the UNION of two or more GROUP BY operations in the same result set.
This online course consists of interactive exercises so that you can immediately gain practical experience. We designed it with the thought that it’s best to acquire knowledge through action. You can study at your own pace, and all you need is a computer, an internet connection, and a desire to learn and grow!
So what’s it going to be?
Course progress
Exercises completed
Learn how to use ROLLUP with GROUP BY.
Discover CUBE, another GROUP BY extension.
Let's take a close look at GROUPING SETS, the last GROUP BY extension in our course.
Verify how much you've learned with us in this course.