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Five of the Top Websites You Should Know When Learning SQL in 2022

If you are learning SQL in 2022 and are looking for some resources to help your learning, you've come to the right place. Here are 5 of the top websites you should know when learning SQL.

Today, I'm going to share a list of websites that help you with learning SQL. You will find useful resources, interact with a fantastic community, and expand your database knowledge. Or you may need some help while working on SQL queries. Visit them regularly; ideally, visit them every day.

Whether you are a seasoned veteran or a newbie in search of websites for beginners, this list helps you pick the best resources for you. These websites are in no particular order and include those for beginners, intermediate users, and advanced users. Be sure to read to the end of the article for a bonus learning resource!

If you have not yet started learning SQL and wonder where to take your first step, start with SQL Basics. This is a great interactive course that introduces you to the world of databases.

For those of you who are new to SQL, allow me to write a few words on what SQL is and why you should care about it.

4 Reasons to Learn SQL

SQL stands for “Structured Query Language.” SQL (pronounced either “S-Q-L” or “sequel”) is designed to work with databases.

You can write queries to retrieve information. You can write queries to input information. Or you can write queries to delete information from your database. Of course, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Retrieving and editing data with SQL is done by writing code based on the SQL syntax. This is when learning SQL starts.

You can write simple queries to retrieve the information you want from a database. But you can also write complex queries that let you retrieve very specific information and create SQL reports.

We all know data is king today. You don't need an IT degree to use SQL or to use relational databases in general. With a little practice, you can substantially improve how you work.

So, why should you care about SQL? Well, here are a few reasons.

Reason #1: SQL Is an Industry Standard

websites you should know when learning sql


Back in the old days – the 1970s and the early 1980s – there were many types of databases. This generated a lot of challenges. For example, migrating them was difficult and prone to mistakes. There was a need for an industry standard – for a solution that was easy to use for everyone, anywhere.

Then came the relational database, and it has stayed for good. Of course, it has evolved. Want to know more about SQL history? Check out how it all started.

The industry reports from the last few years have one common denominator: SQL is always present. Do you want to check out the ranking from last year? You can read my article here.

Reason #2: It’s a Popular Solution

websites you should know when learning sql


SQL databases have a few characteristics that are well appreciated. Most importantly, they are stable and scalable. SQL is also a very versatile tool.

So, if all these companies and industries use it, what does it mean? Well, it means there are a lot of SQL-related jobs.

Reason #3: The Job Opportunities

websites you should know when learning sql


SQL can help everyone at the office. Here is a true story. Marketing, accounting, sales, HR, data engineering, and logistics – what do these functions have in common? They can all leverage SQL. Specialists can get their work done faster without depending on the IT department, create custom reports, and manage customer databases. The list goes on and on!

Employers know that. This means knowing SQL is an asset at your job interview. Also, recent reports show SQL is one of the most in-demand job skills in the market.

Just enter “SQL” in the search engine of any platform with job postings and see how many results you get. There is a lot to choose from.

Reason #4: It’s Not That Difficult

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You don't need to be a math person or have a background in IT to use SQL. With just a few commands and some simple syntax, you can write your queries in no time. Honestly, it's straightforward. Just read what Rebecca has to say about learning SQL in her article.

Okay, now that you know what SQL is and why you should care, it's time for my top picks of websites to visit when you are learning SQL!

Top 5 Websites You Should Know When Learning SQL

1.   The Blog

websites you should know when learning sql


Not only does our website provide an efficient way to learn SQL, but it also has many articles covering different SQL-related topics on our blog. Learning SQL is about gaining new knowledge, of course, but you should also understand its potential and the technology behind it.

This is where our blog comes in. Our articles cover a variety of topics. There are many inspirational posts on how to use SQL and how different industries use it, as well as summaries of industry reports and news, tips, and many more.

If you visit the blog regularly, we'll keep you up to date with the industry. And that’s not just my opinion. has raved about our blog, ranking it among the top SQL blogs from around the web. It's a great honor for us to be among great websites.

So, do yourself a favor. Next time you're having coffee in the morning, check out one of our articles. I'm confident it will be a great addition to your daily routine. Remember to subscribe to receive the newsletter.

2.   SQL Cookbooks

websites you should know when learning sql


Are you looking for a recipe for success? Do you want to add some flavors to your queries? Are you still missing that extra spice in your database? Look no further!

While learning SQL, you encounter a lot of problems. Then later, you want to improve your current queries. You can find many places with solutions and inspirations, but there is one place with a collection of short articles about different challenges and their solutions. That's our SQL cookbook library.

SQL users – beginners as well as those who are more advanced – find ready-to-use solutions for everyday tasks. Sometimes it's even as easy as copying and pasting the code into your project!

3.   Stack Overflow

websites you should know when learning sql


Stack Overflow is a useful website. This community-driven platform contains millions of questions and answers. It’s dedicated to providing solutions to coding issues of all sorts. In short, it's a huge Q&A platform for developers.

Of course, there is a segment for SQL where users can ask or search for answers to the problems they encounter as you are learning SQL. Bookmark this site to find out quickly if your problem has already been solved by someone!

4.   DZone

websites you should know when learning sql


This is one of the world's largest online community sites for software developers. It’s full of handy tools, information, and resources for your SQL-learning journey.

It publishes many new articles daily, and the users come to read about the latest technology trends, methodologies, and best practices. Visit regularly to stay up to date with the industry and to help your SQL learning experience.

5.   DB-Engines

websites you should know when learning sql


There is no SQL without databases. You may be reading this because you are a database professional. If so, this one's for you! DB-Engines is a go-to place with a ton of information around database management systems.

It gives you an overview of many systems. Its sole purpose is to collect and present information on DBMS, including NoSQL. You can compare most of them side-by-side If you want a quick start on DBMS.

It publishes DB-Engines Ranking, a list of DBMS ranked by popularity. The list is updated every month on the website.

DB-Engines also has a database encyclopedia. It is a treasure trove of terms and concepts on many database-related topics. It’s a database information paradise!

Bonus Resource: The We Learn SQL Facebook Group

websites you should know when learning sql


Whether you are an experienced analyst, starting your adventure with databases, or maybe just thinking about learning SQL, this is a good place for you. We are stronger together – we all long to find others with common passions and interests!

It doesn’t matter if you are a beginning SQL user or an experienced database veteran. It’s always good to be around like-minded people, people who enhance your learning experience, or people to whom you may be a great help! We Learn SQL is a Facebook group where databases, SQL dialects, and all things SQL are a common passion.

It helps you achieve your learning goals, stay inspired, and stay motivated. What are you waiting for? You're just one click away from joining an awesome community!

Make Use of These Resources for Learning SQL!

There you have it! A list of the top SQL websites you should know when learning SQL. Bookmark them and include them in your daily news review.

Learning SQL is like learning any other language – a coding language, that is. Not only do you need exposure to it every day, but you also need to use it. Develop the habit of visiting and participating in these websites, then get your hands dirty – you need to write queries to really learn SQL. helps you become a fluent SQL user. With 50+ hands-on courses, an online console, and a query checker, you start getting valuable learning in no time. And you can continue to improve your skills. Just choose the right course for you and acquire new skills or polish and practice your current ones.

Try today. It’s a website that updates and upgrades your career!