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Top 10 Websites That Will Help You Find the Perfect SQL Job

People learn SQL for many reasons. In my case, I wanted to find a better job that would allow me to earn more and have more free time to pursue my interests. But where do you find such a job? Here is my list of the 10 best websites with database jobs.

Although SQL is almost 40 years old, it is appearing in more and more job advertisements. Data has become an essential tool for entrepreneurs, and they are looking for people to squeeze every bit of information from their databases. This is the case for almost every industry: marketing, banking, retail, transportation, etc.

Data is everywhere, and everyone is collecting it. Every click on the internet is recorded and analyzed. Someone then sends us relevant ads, press materials, or websites. It’s unavoidable.

We live in a time of data ubiquity. This scares some who recall the books of George Orwell and foretell the end of civilization. Others approach it calmly and see a potential profit.

Are you in the second group like me? Cool. Do you know SQL, or are you learning it? Here is my list of the top 10 websites for finding SQL jobs.

1. LinkedIn

This social networking site is often called “Facebook for professionals.” Most major companies run their fan pages on LinkedIn, including Vertabelo (view our profile to follow us and participate in discussions). The platform has been operating since 2003. It has almost half a billion users from over 200 countries and has been translated into several languages.

LinkedIn allows you to create a profile containing professional experience, education, skills, and certificates. It is also a popular platform for networking. Users can participate in industry discussions and develop their personal brand. LinkedIn is also one of the preferred tools headhunters and companies use to look for employees.

SQL job

Linkedin is one of the largest aggregates of job postings in the world. In the Jobs tab, you can narrow down your search by location, industry, level, and more. When you type “SQL” and select the United States for location, you will see over 200,000 SQL jobs. That is a lot to choose from.

Are you just starting your adventure with SQL? Look for junior positions or internships. Are you an experienced data analyst or DBA? Look for higher-level positions. You can apply using your LinkedIn profile or by uploading your resume. The application process is intuitive.

It is not worth applying to every SQL job. Read the description and decide if you meet the requirements. Also, look at the company's LinkedIn profile. You can learn more about the company and see who works there.

LinkedIn has the option to create alerts for new jobs in the field that interests you. You can also let future employers know that you are actively looking for an SQL job, but remember to have a well-prepared profile first. Is everything ready? Now just wait for an offer to start your dream job.

2. Indeed

Indeed is a job search engine that collects postings from job boards, staffing firms, associations, and company career pages. It is available in over 60 countries. Since October 2010, has been the highest-traffic job website in the United States.

SQL job

A helpful feature is the ability to narrow down search results based on employment model, location, level of experience, and expected salary. For database-related jobs, Indeed indicates that salaries range between $70,000 and $120,000. Not bad!

Did that make you want to learn SQL? Check out the courses on If you're just starting, I recommend the SQL from A to Z track. This learning path is for people who have no experience in IT. You’ll learn the basic and advanced features of this language. When you’ve completed this track, you’ll be able to work efficiently with databases and analyze data.

Indeed also shares employer reviews given by current and former employees. You will learn, among other things, about the work environment, work-life balance, and opportunities for development.

3. Dice is a place for technology professionals. It has fewer general ads and is primarily targeted at IT experts and engineers. The site has 3 million registered technology specialists and about 2.4 million unique visitors each month. Of the registered users, 75% have a bachelor's degree or higher, and more than half have at least 10 years of experience in their field. If you already work in the industry and are looking for database-related jobs, you've come to the right place.

SQL job

At the time of writing this article, shows over 10,000 SQL jobs. They can be sorted according to publication date, location, employment model, or whether recruitment is carried out by a specialized HR expert or the company itself. You can also search for offers that give you the opportunity to work remotely. Like the platforms listed above, you can set up alerts informing you of new jobs that meet specified criteria. is a good choice if you already have experience and know exactly what you are looking for.

4. CareerBuilder

This is one of the longest-running websites for job seekers. It has been operating since 1995. In addition to the search engine itself, it also offers labor market intelligence, talent management software, and other recruitment solutions, including online career search services for more than 1,900 partners around the world. At the time of writing, CareerBuilder listed over 5,000 database jobs.

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You can also take advantage of advice from hundreds of specialists. The platform helps you to plan a career development path. It's worth following the blog and periodically published labor market reports.

An interesting feature allows you to narrow down search results based on commute time. This is great for those who don't want to be stuck in traffic. The algorithm takes into account driving a personal vehicle and using public transportation. Pretty clever.

5. Jooble

Next on my list is It is a global job board operating in 71 countries. When you first enter their website, you can see the difference: a large search engine in the middle of the page, and no unnecessary distractions that disturb me on other sites of this type. Everything is clean, nice and to the point.

Jooble top sites

As I wrote this article, the search engine of Jooble found over 420,000 offers for SQL developers in the US. Not bad! The platform works as an aggregator that collects job ads from thousands of job boards, corporate and recruiter pages and newspapers.

One of the biggest advantages of this website is that it is available in 24 languages. Are you looking for a SQL DBA job in Finland, Italy or Turkey? You will find it here.

About a million registered users use the platform daily. If you are looking for a SQL job, this is the place to be.

6. Monster is a global employment website. You can post your resume, search for jobs, and compare pay. If you are going to interview for an SQL job at a large IT company in San Francisco, you should first see how much someone earns at a similar company in a similar position. This will help you with the negotiation process.

SQL job

When I entered “SQL” and “USA,” the platform showed me almost 90,000 jobs. It is more difficult to sort them than with Indeed. There are fewer options to narrow your search, but if you know what to look for, you'll find it there. It seems that the majority of IT companies and those working with SQL post their job there. So, add Monster to your browser favorites today.

7. Naukri

This site focuses primarily on jobs in Indian and the Middle East. According to the developers, the portal has a database of about 49.5 million registered job seekers. The jobs are mainly in the technology, manufacturing, and services industries. So, it's the perfect place to look for database jobs. There are over 70,000 SQL jobs, and they can be sorted in any way you like. For example, you can select jobs that require knowledge of SQL and Python or a specific dialect like PostgreSQL.

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It is worth using the tools and statistical data that offers. For example, in addition to employment and pay trends, you can track the flow of employees between companies, the migration of people for work from city to city, or the average length of employees' jobs in a given enterprise. This is a mine of unique and valuable indicators that can help you choose the perfect SQL job.

8. Glassdoor

This is a slightly different service than the previous ones. You will find SQL job postings on it and lots of them. But Glassdoor is primarily a website where current and former employees anonymously review employers. They share their opinions on the work environment, the people working there, the culture of the organization, management, etc.

Such reviews are often accompanied by photos of offices or other multimedia materials. For example, you can see how Google developers work. In the pictures, you can see that they have a climbing wall and restaurant at their headquarters, and at their desks, some employees have superhero figures. Cool, if you want to know what your work environment will look like.

The ratings seem real. Glassdoor prides itself on publishing all user entries. It rejects only those that contain public hatred or a promotion created by the company or its representatives that do not comply with the regulations of the platform. Each year, based on overall ratings, Glassdoor awards the best companies with the Employees' Choice Awards, also known as the Best Places to Work Awards.

An interesting feature is the Salary Calculator. Not only can you check the earnings of people in specific positions but you can also check your own market value. You must state what you do, how long you have worked, your education, and where you live. Based on this, you will learn how much you should earn. Do you get less every month? Go for a raise!

SQL job

When I looked for SQL-related jobs on Glassdoor and narrowing them down to the United States, it listed over 120,000 postings. In each description, you can see the company's average rating, feedback from its employees, and even questions that may come up during an interview.

Most of the jobs I found require SQL practice and knowledge of SQL functions. Do you want to be better prepared than the competition? Check out the SQL Practice course, and see what you need to work on. Refresh your knowledge of the most important SQL functions from ordinary SELECT statements and the WHERE clauses, to SQL joins and aggregations with GROUP BY and HAVING, to complicated SQL subqueries. Everything you need is in one place.

9. Stack Overflow

Although is not a website for job seekers, you should definitely add it to your favorites. This is one of the most important sites for programmers and developers. Stack Overflow is a leader when it comes to the exchange of experience and knowledge between people writing code and learning programming.

The website lists questions and answers. The more you answer the problems of others, the more others will recommend your answers, and the higher you will rank in the community. Moderators skillfully remove intrusive promotions and trolling attempts.

Although it might seem trivial, being on Stack Overflow can greatly benefit your career. If you are thinking about a career in the world of SQL or other programming languages and database-related jobs, go to today.

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You will also find job postings on the site. Of over 4,000 jobs around the world, at least 1,000 require knowledge of SQL or are database related. It’s worth checking out.

10. Upwork

Upwork is a global platform for freelancers. It allows you to find companies offering remote work. The site currently has about twelve million registered freelancers and five million registered clients. Every year, over three million jobs are added, which makes Upwork the largest platform for freelancers in the world.

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You can use Upwork in two ways. You can find an SQL job or project by registering as a freelancer. You can also view the profiles of the highest-paid SQL freelancers. See what they have in their portfolio, what skills they have, what else is worth learning, and what to look for when planning your career. After all, we all want to earn a lot. So why not follow the example of those who already do? In my opinion, it's a great idea.

Turn Off Your Laptop and Start Networking in Person

Relationships are important when looking for work. So, meet people from the industry you’re interested in. Attend industry conferences. Start building your brand by participating in discussions. Make yourself known as an expert in SQL. Are you just starting? That's okay. Ask more advanced developers if you could apply for an internship or apprenticeship. These types of activities almost always end with positive results, and you may get job offers and employment. In addition, you will learn a lot from experts.


These are the best websites for finding database jobs. I hope my suggestions will help you get the SQL job you want and start earning big money. I wish you luck. The perfect job is out there. You only need to find it.