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Types of Database Jobs: Choose One of Them and Start Being Awesome

Do you dream of high earnings and interesting work? Are you fed up with your boss and his or her annoying vacation stories in exotic countries? Is it time to change your job? Why not learn SQL? Here are some examples of the types of database jobs that may lead you to a better life.

What types of database jobs use SQL? Here are some examples, but first, a small caveat. Those described below are just the tip of the iceberg. These positions may overlap in duties; the differences are in the objective, the approach, and the additional skills needed. In any case, they all have one thing in common: SQL plays an important role or even a key role. So, what job opportunities can you consider with a knowledge of SQL? What career paths are there? Read on to find out.

SQL Developer


SQL developers have some of the most important roles involving SQL. They are responsible for developing SQL databases for a wide range of applications and business purposes. Depending on the needs of the organization, their duties may include all database backend work as well as working with architecture and management for scaling SQL databases.

Developers write and optimize SQL queries and statements, often very complex ones, so that they work efficiently and produce the right results. They also ensure the stability of the applications they develop. Responsibilities can also include daily management of databases, so their competencies may overlap with those of SQL database administrators (DBAs; see below).

In addition to an advanced knowledge of SQL, developers also need to know other programming languages. Depending on the specific tasks, that language could be Python, Java, or C, among others. If you like making things work, improving how things work, or making the process better, this role is for you.

According to Glassdoor, a SQL developer's earnings range between $61,000 and $130,000 a year. The average annual salary in this position is about $81,000—pretty good!

SQL Database Administrator


What someone has created, someone must watch over. This is what database administrators (DBAs) do, and they are very important in every organization.

The day-to-day responsibility of DBAs is to manage databases used by others to do their work efficiently and without problems. DBAs also ensure the condition of the entire system and the reliability of the network.

They are the first to respond when users report problems. Is something not working on the server, does the database stutter, or does the database contain errors? A DBA will help. In this position, your responsibilities will also include improving the processes and performing scheduled maintenance and updates.

The earnings of a SQL database administrator are similar to those of a SQL developer. According to Glassdoor, in the United States, you can expect an average annual salary of around $80,000 a year.

Database Tester


Did something break in the database? Is it an isolated case, a bug, or badly written code? Database testers look at problems like these. Their daily work consists primarily of finding threats and solutions for databases to ensure their smooth operation and effectiveness.

Testers present their findings in reports to IT functions (e.g. developers), who implement corrections and improvements based on these findings. Testers often play the role of ordinary database users and even act like them to see if everything works well.

Glassdoor suggests database testers earn anywhere from $37,000 to $84,000 a year.

SQL Data Analyst


Do you have good analytical skills? Can you think outside the box, summarize the data well, and present your conclusions clearly and convincingly? Then, you will do well as a data analyst, a role that is experiencing increasing demand in many industries.

They analyze data collected by the organization to help develop strategies and improve processes. The findings of data analysts often lead to strategic decisions of managers, changes in operation, or improvements in the workflow.

Data analysts work with databases daily and present their findings in reports; for this reason, they must be well-versed in SQL. If you are interested in this role, check out our reporting courses in SQL.

According to Glassdoor, data analysts can earn between $43,000 and $95,000 per year, with an average of almost $62,500. The specific amount generally depends on the type and the size of the organization, as well as whether you work in an independent role or in a group of analysts.

Business/Financial Data Analyst


This position also involves data analysis and working with databases. The difference from the data analyst role described earlier is fundamental—the purpose. While the scope of the SQL data analysts is typically general (customers, markets, productions, operations, etc.), the work of business/financial data analysts is primarily to improve or project the organization’s financial performance: profits, losses, and risks.

Their tasks may also include developing or improving budgets and performing specific financial analysis. Therefore, in addition to reporting and statistics, the knowledge and experience in finance, accounting, and/or business management are necessary. The course Revenue Trend Analysis in SQL will be useful here. Learn how to perform trend analyses using SQL and build a meaningful revenue report from scratch.

What about the salary? According to Glassdoor’s research, you can expect an average annual salary of about $68,300, with a range between $50,000 and $93,000.

SQL Data Scientist


This is a job that requires not only a knowledge of SQL but also of statistics, probability, and mathematics. Data scientists do more than just write lines of code or analyze data. They use technology solutions daily to draw conclusions and develop statistical and other predictive models using data.

Predicting customer behaviors with data allows an organization to make various business decisions and take different actions. Consider, for example, the situation in which a consumer applies for a mortgage with a lender. The lender needs to evaluate the prospective borrower’s profile and behavior to quantify his or her likelihood to repay the loan, so that it can decide to approve or reject the application. Predictive models are often used for this purpose.

Data scientists are often well-educated, frequently with a master’s degree or higher in mathematics, statistics, or computer science. Data science is a demanding career, and this is reflected in the earnings. According to Glassdoor, you can expect a salary between $83,000 and $153,000, with an average of over $113,000.

Data Modeler


Data modeling, which often uses SQL, is one of the most important processes in a modern enterprise. Data modelers design and structure different elements of data and how they relate to each other to optimize the performance of database operations.

To be a data modeler, in addition to a deep knowledge of IT, you need good communication skills and the knack for solving problems, because you will need to understand customer needs and deliver convincing explanations and recommendations.

How much does a data modeler earn? Let's take a look at Glassdoor. The annual salary range is between $65,000 and $105,000, with an average of $75,500. Not bad at all.

Other Roles That Use SQL

In the modern world, working with databases is not limited to IT. For example, the knowledge of SQL and the ability to write database queries are useful to a marketer in selecting target customers for an email campaign. Or, with SQL, store owners can manage their warehouses more efficiently, check which products are running out, and determine what needs to be ordered. Healthcare managers may need to analyze a patient database while being conscientious of their sensitive data. Many experts in banking, accounting, and finance use SQL daily, creating reports and summaries.

So, What Types of Database Jobs Are Possible?

Remember that database jobs are not limited to IT. You don't have to change your career path; you can learn SQL to improve your performance.

Don’t fight the database! Learn SQL and find out how easy it is to work with databases. There is so much value in knowing SQL.

So, what are you waiting for? I recommend the SQL From A to Z track. This is a well-thought-out learning path, in which you will learn all the functions and applications of SQL needed for everyday work. Start learning SQL today!