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Halloween Promo 2022

Halloween is just around the corner and with it come monsters and ghosts. Join the fun and get a special, monstrous promo code. Are you scared, do you feel chills?

This Halloween, we have prepared some fun for you. Have you ever wondered what kind of monster you would be? Answer a few questions and find out! Here's our SQL Monster Quiz - perhaps this will also give you a hint for a Halloween disguise!


At the end of our SQL Monster Quiz, you’ll find a PROMO CODE that will give you an additional $20 discount on our All Forever Plan. This means that, along with other promotions, you could now save up to $400 and get full access to all of our 65 SQL courses!

Maybe you want to hunt some monsters? In recent days, many of them have moved into our office and they’re causing us a bit of a bother! Only you can beat them, by using SQL! Will you be up to the task?

Will you take up the challenge called Monster Hunt? It's free and fun. It's actually a SQL mini-course where you'll write very simple SQL queries and chase monsters. It's really cool!


You don't need to know SQL to complete it. We will guide you through the entire time.

What to do:

  • Create a free account or log in if you already have one
  • Start this FREE course
  • Solve short tasks and claim the PROMO CODE

You’ll have to hurry. Our Halloween Promo starts on October 17th and will last until November 6th.

How do you take advantage of the promotion? Just enter the promo code in the appropriate field on the checkout page, as indicated by the arrow in the picture below. You can go there from the pricing page or directly from the link on the last page of the mini-course.


If you have problems with any of the exercises, push the Hint button for a little help. It’s at the bottom, below the content of the exercise. If you're completely lost and don't know the answer, click the ‘Show me the answer’ button, and then copy and paste it. You’ll then be able to move on to the next task.

We hope that you will enjoy our SQL Monster Quiz and Halloween SQL Challenge. If you do, please tell others about it. You can share the link on your profiles on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter - give others a chance to get a nice discount as well.

Discover your true monstrous nature or use SQL to help us fight evil!