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The Best Apps to Learn SQL

Let us guide you to the best apps for learning SQL on the go.

Do you want to learn SQL but you don't know where to begin? If so, you've come to the right place! In this guide, we'll go over the best apps for learning SQL. We'll look at what each app has to offer and how it can help you get started with SQL. Let’s go!

What Is SQL?

Structured Query Language (SQL) is a programming language used to communicate with relational databases. A relational database simply refers to a type of database in which the data is organized into tables. SQL can be used to retrieve, modify, and manage data in these databases. It is an especially useful tool for working with large amounts of data quickly and efficiently, due to its flexibility and scalability. Because of the numerous advantages SQL offers, it is used in a variety of professions (not just IT).

Are you new to SQL? provides interactive SQL courses for people of all skill levels, including those with no programming or IT experience. Our SQL Basics course is ideal for beginners. By completing this course, you will be able to learn the fundamentals of SQL, retrieve data from a SQL database, and create simple reports – putting you well on your way to expanding your career opportunities!

What Can You Do With SQL?

Because of its versatility, SQL can be used in a wide range of applications, including:

1. Data Retrieval

Data retrieval is critical because it allows analysts to access and manipulate the data in databases. Check out our article What Is an SQL Database? for more details on this.

Using SQL, you can quickly and easily access the data you need. In just a couple of lines you can join multiple tables, filter data, and even aggregate results; this greatly facilitates data analysis and insight development.

2. Data Manipulation

Data manipulation refers to the process of organizing, transforming, and summarizing data to make it easier to understand or analyze. It is a critical component of data analysis and is frequently used to create visualizations and reports.

Best Apps to Learn SQL

SQL allows you to create, modify, and delete tables. It also gives you a quick way to insert, update, and delete data from tables. This supports complex queries and allows data to be manipulated more efficiently.

3. Data Security

Data security is critical because it protects the privacy of individuals and businesses by preventing unauthorized access to sensitive information.

SQL can be used to protect data by enforcing database security policies. It can be used to restrict specific operations, such as deleting data or modifying tables, or to control who has access to specific data. It can also be used to encrypt data, making it more difficult for malicious users to access.

4. Data Visualization

Data visualization allows users to identify patterns and trends quickly and easily and explore the relationships between different variables.

SQL can be used to extract and organize data from a variety of sources, allowing data visualization tools to work in a consistent format. It can also generate highly customized visualizations.

Should You Learn SQL?

The simple answer is definitely yes!

SQL is used everywhere and is very much in demand. By using SQL, you can gain a better understanding of database management and how to work with data, which will help you advance in your career.

SQL was voted the third most popular language in the 2022 Stack Overflow Developer Survey. This survey also demonstrated that SQL is here to stay, with a median increase in yearly salary of $13,000 between 2022 and 2021. Read more about The Future of SQL to see why SQL’s growth shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

The great news too for beginners is that SQL is considered a simple language to learn because it uses straightforward syntax and commands. Check out our list of the Top 6 Online SQL Courses for Beginners in 2023 to find the right course for you.

Can Basic SQL Help My Work?

Whatever your profession, learning SQL can provide you with a valuable set of skills that will help you with problem solving, analysis, and data management.

For example, if you work in sales, you might be interested in the total number of orders placed in a given week, the average order size, or the most popular products purchased. Using SQL, you can quickly retrieve this information from the database by writing a simple query. SQL can also be used to identify trends or correlations in data, such as which products are more popular in specific regions or when orders are most likely to be placed.

Learning SQL basics can help marketers create more effective campaigns, accountants analyze and report financial data more efficiently, and finance professionals develop long-term success strategies. SQL can benefit almost any profession by offering numerous advantages; read our article How SQL Helps Everyone in Your Office to learn how incorporating SQL into your professional toolkit can benefit you.

Why You Should Learn SQL with Apps

Learning SQL with apps can be a great option for beginners who want to get started quickly. You don't have to worry about the technical aspects of SQL installation when you use apps because the app handles it for you.

Apps can teach you how to use SQL in step-by-step, bite-sized lessons and tutorials. You can practice SQL coding while on the go and get immediate feedback, which will help you understand how your queries work.

This allows you to learn at your own pace. A plethora of extensive tutorials and demos are always available, allowing you to learn the language without becoming overwhelmed by its complexities.

Have you started to learn SQL, only to find yourself stuck in your learning process? Check out our article Is Your SQL Learning Plan Stuck in Neutral?. It explains in detail how to keep your learning journey going when you're discouraged by SQL’s complexities.

Recommended Apps for Learning SQL

So, you've decided that learning SQL from an app is a good place to start. But which app should you go with? We've compiled a list of SQL app recommendations to help you out.


Best Apps to Learn SQL

Although is a platform, it has all the features of an app. Everything takes place in the browser giving you a full web-based experience.

Our platform allows you to gain hands-on experience with real-world problems. There are no downloads or installations required, so you can start learning right away.

Best Apps to Learn SQL

You'll receive a certificate for each course you complete, which will help you stand out to potential employers by demonstrating your competence. If you run into trouble or have a burning question, the trusted team is always available to help too.

You can try our platform without risk. Just create a free account and use the Free Trial option on the course you’re interested in;  the first few exercises of each of our interactive SQL courses are free. You will surely like the way we teach SQL.

For serious learners, offers the All Forever Package. This package grants you lifetime access to all courses and tracks in all SQL dialects on the platform. That means you'll have access to all 59 courses – imagine your SQL skills then!

2. SoloLearn

Best Apps to Learn SQL

SoloLearn is one of the most popular SQL learning apps, with over 18 million users and over 50,000 5-star ratings. SoloLearn is a mobile app that provides interactive lessons and quizzes to allow you to learn at your own pace. Its simple tutorials help you learn the fundamentals of SQL, such as data querying and table creation.

This app’s interactive approach makes it ideal for learning SQL. You will be able to practice your skills in real time while receiving feedback from their supportive community of developers and technology professionals.

3. Codecademy Go

Best Apps to Learn SQL

Codecademy Go is another excellent online app for learning SQL, particularly for beginners. This app is designed to get you up to speed quickly and easily by covering the fundamentals of SQL.

This app teaches SQL in a step-by-step fashion. You will start with the basics and gradually improve your skills as you progress. In addition to explanations, the Codecademy app offers video tutorials and interactive quizzes to build your knowledge through hands-on exercises. You can also access sample datasets to test your queries in a real-world setting.

4. Enki

Best Apps to Learn SQL

Enki is yet another great app for beginners looking to learn SQL quickly and easily. This app offers a thorough and interactive learning experience that covers all of the fundamentals of SQL.

Users can use Enki to complete tutorials, create projects, and test their SQL knowledge. The tutorials include step-by-step instructions that are simple enough for beginners to understand.

The Enki interface is welcoming and friendly, and there is a chatbot available to answer any questions. Users can also put their knowledge to the test with coding exercises designed to make the learning process more enjoyable. If you get stuck, the Enki community is always ready to help.

Choose an App and Learn SQL!

SQL is a powerful and versatile language that is essential to many jobs. Learning SQL can be simple and enjoyable with the right tools and apps.

Of course, apps are only one of many ways to begin learning SQL. Check out our list of 5 Tips for Learning SQL for Beginners to get you started and well on your way to becoming an SQL master!