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Christmas SQL Scholarship 2022

We know 2022 was very difficult for many of you. Now that it is slowly coming to an end, we’ve decided to end it with something positive. Here is the Christmas SQL Scholarship 2022! Let's enter the new year together with new energy and a chance for change!

The Team wants to help those less fortunate.

This Christmas, we are going to help someone change his/her life. We are going to fund 50 SQL Scholarships for those who cannot afford to learn SQL and who may find it helpful in a difficult situation. We’re giving away free SQL courses. In fact, we’re giving away our flagship track, SQL From A to Z, completely FREE!

This is the third edition of the program. Here, you will find the Stories of the LearnSQL Scholarship Program.

Have you lost your job and you don't know what to do next? Maybe you want to give yourself a chance for better earnings or a promotion? SQL might be a good idea. If you want to learn SQL in 2022 but can't afford the courses, let us know. Perhaps you know someone else who could use a little help?

How do you to apply for the SQL Scholarship? Just fill out the form below.

Submit by the end of December. Tell us about yourself in it. Do it by the end of December. Be sure to include your full name and where you are from. Then sign up for a free account at

Thank you for participating

We will choose 50 people who will get free access to SQL from A to Z.

SQL from A to Z Track page

Our tracks are sets of interactive online SQL courses. In this one, you will find 7 great courses: is the best way to learn SQL and work with databases effectively. Our courses are logically designed and interactive. You don't need to install or configure anything – you just need a web browser.

This is a real opportunity for a career boost, professional development, and landing a better job. Start 2023 by learning useful skills that are sought-after by employers. You can read more about it on our dedicated SQL career page.

Give yourself a chance to change!

We won’t stop there; we are going to do even more good. 10% of our entire December profit at will be donated to charity. You can read more about it here. By purchasing SQL courses for yourself, you help others.

We wish you and your loved ones all the best for Christmas.

Remember, even small gestures of kindness or a little help made by many people can change the world!

Happiness is multiplied when it is shared!

The LearnSQL Team